Friday, August 28, 2009

Introducing Atiya, Radhiya & Nadia Gamieldien


Tuesday the 31 July I get my show, and the nerves start creeping in.

I called my doctor but they assured me that I could go days without giving birth. The next morning, my hubby decides to go to work early, for once, LOL, his always a little late! I felt very homely and decided to take out meat for supper, I was planning to cook something new, and very excited!

8am, I start getting cramps. I manage through them and get into bed, planning on sleeping for atleast another hour. 8-05am, I call my hubby and ask him to bring a hot water bottle for the cramps, that should help. He said his on his way, I say its not necessary. 8-10am, I call him back cause my water broke!

Now, mentally Im giving myself a pep-talk. Stay calm, get into a nice hot bath. Relax.

I was relaxing so nicely in the bath, completely forgot about the pain, when my neighbor knocks at the door. Hubby called her in a panic and asked her to check on me. I lay down on the bed and she times the contractions, they speeding up now and becoming quite unbearable!

8-45am he gets home, I change into something comfortable and grab the baby bag. We get to the hospital at 9am and the doctor said Im 8cm dilated!

They wont allow him in until the head crowns but I wont hear any of it!! I want the kid out now!! Too late for drugs!

The doctor said to relax, its too early to push, baby will only be here by 12. WHAT?? Not a damn! My body says push and thats what Im gonna do! Before they knew it, her head was crowning and they called him in.

At that stage, I felt somewhat relieved and somewhat worried that he may collapse! He cant stand blood. Ok, one big push and they ask me to stop, then a few short breaths, another big push and she's out! 10-28am

WOW!!!! That was the best feeling ever! The way she slipped out. She starts crying immediately and they take her 2be weighed.
They are worried that Im bleeding too much and try to figure out if Im hemorrhaging. Turns out I needed stitches, not below but inside.
Was in hospital for 2 days and was MORE than ready to get home.

Thursday 10 December 9-45am, I get cramps. Im also spotting and really worried. I call hubby, his on his way. Im alone at home and Atiya is sleeping by my cousin. I tidy up the house while trying to control my breathing. He arrives and rushes me to the hospital. We get there at 10-30am and they do a check up. No, baby isn't ready. Im advised to stay home unless I bleed buckets or my water breaks!!?? Im beginning to think I might have the kid at home!! Ok, back home but prefer to go to my mom. We sleep over cause its closer to the hospital. Friday the cramps get worst, Damn Im not going back to the hospital only to be sent home AGAIN! So I decide to tag along when hubby takes atiya to canal walk to buy her something with her eid money R300. The walk helps and Im feeling better. Later that evening the bleeding increases but I refuse to go to hospital. Cramps are now pains. I control my breathing and they ease up. I take 2 panados and settle in to watch a movie. The pains get worst but Im so engrossed in the movie, that its a nuisance. 10pm friday evening. Pains are now quite close together. Im tired and haven't really slept since thursday evening. I refuse to go to hospital until I cant manage anymore. 12-45am and I cant control my breathing and agree to go to hospital. They do a check up, Im 6cm dilated. Its gonna be a while. My water hasn't even broken yet. I pray and squat, and try to breath through it. 1-15am, doctor is amazed at how quickly I dilated and prepare to deliver. They break my water and the pains come rushing!! I start pushing but cant push hard enough and rest, im too tired. Doc says one more push, I try but 3 times Im unsuccessful. Im too tired. Now Im giving myself a mental pep-talk. Come on, you can do it, Just one push, Use everything you have, lets do this!
I give a final push and the doctor eases her out, its 1-45am. She cries after a few seconds and I lay back, exhausted. No tearing this time, just very sore.

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