Friday, August 28, 2009

Introducing Muhammad Noor, Imaan & Thurieyyah Dout

Muhammad Noor was born @ 7:45am on the 19 May 2000 (edd ws 29 May) @ GMC, I remember the night before, hubby was still watching a Bud Spencer movie and I was laying in bed reading, the movie finished something to 12 and I decided that I would also call it a night . I stood up on the bed to switch off the light and then I just felt a something give in my pelvic area and thats when my waters broke... told hubby the news and out he got the baby book my Miriam Stoppard (hahahaha) this was our first kid and we've been reading a lot.. put down the book again, woke his mother and told her that  my waters broke - I told him to go phone the hospital to check with them - the lady at the other end was asking question etc and he was relaying them to me (by this time I decided I needed a shower and a change of clothing (nothing fitted me so I ended up wearing my Salaah Top!) she asked him whether the show was there to which I replied I DONT KNOW MY PANTY"S RED!!!
anyway decided that Im no gonna sit round at home waiting for whatever to happen and off we went to GMC - was booked in @ something past 12 Friday morning - sister kept on coming in to check my vitals and stuff and everything was moving along quickly - at 4ish they told hubby that he can go home because baby will only be making his entry into the world after Juma'ah (after 1Pm) HA thats what they thought - at 6 oclock they had to phone F to tell him to get to the hospital ASAP as things were moving along fast now...they contact my Gynie to - Hubby arrived with time to spare - So now all this time I've been getting the urge to push but TELLING MYSELF in a loud voice THAT I DIDNT WANNA PUSH - all this because of the literature I was reading about how women tear by pushign too early or had to be cut cause they were not dilated enuf - F THOUGHT THIS WAS HILARIOUS.. firstly he was wondering who the hell I was shouting at (LOL) Im there and the midwife tells me that on the next urge I can push - I thought NO Im there in pain (NO EPIDURAL as I didnt want one only got an injection for the pain) and I put my hand down there to feel - and I touched my little boy's head!!! I shouted at hubby to go get the sister - she comes in followed my the Gynie and after 3 pushes HIS OUT!!! just had one stitch inside and one out - was discharged the following day...
Imaan was born @ 7:45pm on the 19 September 2009 (edd was the 26th Sep) During the fast! I was getting ready for my checkup the morning  and didnt feel much different  (been getting braxton hicks more than usual) - and just excited that I would be seeing my little girl on screen again!!! So off I went to GMC - got there and  had to wait my turn - finally saw the Gynie (same ole trusty gynie as before) and he puts the feotal monitor on me - and Im laying there listening to my baby's heartbeat and I kinda noticing that something odd's happening - everytime my tummy tightens bump's heartrate would speed up... so I've been laying there for like 20 minutes and the Gynie comes in and informs me that Im in EARLY LABOUR (no pain, no show NOTHING) the "braxton hicks" I was feeling was the contractions!!!
So he says I can either go home and come back tomorrow - or I can go home, get my stuff and come back - needless to say I opted for the 2nd cause with Noor everything went so quick - I thougth NO WAY - Just now I have this baby at home!... left his rooms to go home and get said stuff - phone hubby gave him the news, phoned my Dad to tell him - to fetch me from home (as I took the taxi in and would take it home now to go get my stuff) and then called work to tell them what was happening...
Got home (mum was there told her the news and fromthere it just spread) Dad came picked me up, got to GMC booked in @ about 12 (sound familiar) and I was taken up to the Labour ward and was put back on the feotal monitar - sister couldnt believe that I ws feeling any of the contractions as she reckon they were quite strong contractions she showed me the printout and I'm like...No cant feel a thing - all this in between answering calls, reading To kill a mocking bird and answering sms's. Later on I ws dubbed the most popular mum in the ward of all the calls etc.. Gynie came in to check up on me and said that I must just relax as baby would only be making an entrance later that everning this was now around 3-ish - he advised the Midwife to induce me (they put like half a tab which was put under my tongue) at this stage I ws still not feeling any pain ( just more increased tightening of my tummy) at 5 he came in again to check the progress -and decided to break my waters as this had not happened yet - AND ONLY THEN I STARTED FEELING THOSE BLOOMING CONTRACTIONS!!! so Im laying there making Duah etc. and hubby gets there I WS SO HAPPY TO SEE HIM ! So with instructions to call him if anythign happens the Gynie goes home - roundabout 6-ish I get the urge to push - the midwife says no not yet as Im not dilated enough and I'm thinking BLERRIE WOMAN I WANT TO PUSH!!! through all this I can see baby moving around, bearing down etc and here I am trying not push was weird freaky things happening in my womb I tell ya! - so the shifts change and in walks the new midwife and I tell her I need to push - and she looks and says GO AHEAD ...the gynie had been alerted at this time - and after a coupla pushes my beautifull princess was born - GYNIE walked in just as they were putting her on my chest - and I didnt need stitches... I was discharged the following day.
Newly Hatched - 19/09/08
1 Day old 20/09/08

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